CFDA is a member-driven organization administered entirely by the association's Board of Directors and member volunteers. 

Please visit our website for answers to most questions before contacting the association: 


Please direct your questions to the contact person below according to subject matter:

Leadership, General Administration and Media Inquiries; Membership and CFSB Certification
Joe Walsh, CFDA President 2023 - 5280 Cremation Services | Aurora | 720-205-4393 |

Finances and Recordkeeping
Daniel Gorton, Secretary-Treasurer | 720-217-4867 |

Legislative and Regulatory Issues
Stacey Kleinman, Advisor and Advocacy Chair |

(720) 460-0512‬ Phone or text. Please include your name, phone number and record a detailed voice message.


For more immediate response, send an email.

Colorado Funeral Directors Association

P O Box 1045

Broomfield CO 80038

Please call or email to the CFDA office to request a delivery address.

Find us on Facebook

Twitter: @ColoFuneralDir

For media inquiries, please contact: 

Please submit your questions and requests via email so we can determine the representative to best respond.