About the CFDA

Consumers Choice

Welcome to the New CFDA

The Colorado Funeral Directors Association is a member-driven organization administered entirely by the association's Board of Directors and member volunteers. 

Bylaws of the Colorado Funeral Directors Association

Our Mission

It is the mission of the Colorado Funeral Directors Association to advance the economic and professional interests of Colorado's funeral directors and the service they represent.

In the fulfillment of its mission, the CFDA will continue as a centralized information source, technologically advanced, focused and financially responsible. It will elect and maintain a diverse leadership representative in experience, geography and employment environment.

  • Membership: It will promote colleagueship and friendship. It will provide value to its members and to the citizens they serve and will continuously promote the benefits of belonging. It will reach out and be attractive to all entities and individuals involved in funeral service.
  • Communications: It will communicate with its members and allied associations and serve as a link to the world outside of funeral service. It will provide information, maintain a statewide communications system for emergency messaging, and will maintain a professional and educational network.
  • Education: It will create continuing and concentrated education opportunities and promote professional development. It will be the funeral service resource center for Colorado.
  • Political and Public Awareness & Social Interaction: It will speak on behalf of funeral service and seek unity among members and all elements of the profession and provide information to the public on the importance and role of funeral service in society. It will promote harmony among those in funeral service through the utilization and development of social opportunities and by encouraging working relationships.
  • Standards and Ethics: It will maintain its commitment to high professional standards and continue its support of the Colorado Funeral Service Board. Through cooperation and voluntary action, it will monitor itself and be accountable to the public it serves. It will demonstrate the highest level of service.

The CFDA exists to serve its members through education, collaboration, resources and advocacy. The association is supported primarily through annual membership dues and allied suppliers. Membership in the CFDA is critical to maintain the strength, credibility and resources needed to represent and serve the funeral profession throughout the next year and in the future.

Please join the CFDA now to show your support for the funeral service profession in Colorado.

Code of Ethics

The object of the Colorado Funeral Directors Association is to secure harmony in Funeral Service; to elevate and bring professionalism to a higher state of perfection in Funeral Service; to disseminate the best methods of protecting our patron; to enlighten public opinion in relation to the advantages of enacting and enforcing proper, just and uniform laws on all phases of Funeral Service; to arrange for and conduct a Continuing Education Program for all classes of members in accordance with the Code of Ethics for the CFDA and its Commission; have cognizance of and maintain among the members high ideals of public service and behavior.

As members of Funeral Service we acknowledge our obligation to the public, especially to those we serve and our responsibility for the welfare of funeral service.

  • To the public we pledge: vigilant support of the laws of the United States and the State of Colorado; a proper Code of Ethics for our members; devotion to high moral and service standards; conduct befitting good citizens; honesty and fairness in all offerings of service and merchandise, and in all business transactions.
  • To those we serve we pledge: confidential relationships; cooperation with the customs of all religions and creeds; observance of all respect due the deceased; high standards of competence, fairness and dignity in the conduct of all services and the providing of merchandise.
  • To those in funeral service we pledge: Support of high educational standards and proper certification standards; encouragement of research; adoption of improved techniques; maintenance of favorable personnel relations; to provide a continuing forum for the propagation of knowledge and information beneficial to members of funeral service and the public.

As an affiliate of the National Funeral Directors Association, we subscribe to the principles set forth in their Code of Ethics and pledge our best efforts to make them as effective as the law will allow.



Click here for a history of Colorado Funeral Service compiled by the Colorado Funeral Directors Association in 1997.