Announcement Detail
Seventh Amended Public Health Order 20-28 Safer at Home was issued on June 18, 2020
H4. Effective June 18, 2020, indoor and outdoor events such as receptions, events, non-critical auctions, theaters, trade shows, markets, indoor malls, rodeos, fairs, festivals and parades or other indoor or outdoor events not otherwise covered by this Order may operate in accordance with the following requirements:
a. Outdoor venues may allow up to 175 people within their usable space calculated using the Social Distancing Space Calculator, excluding staff, per designated activity with a minimum of 6 feet of distance between individuals or non-household contacts.
b. Indoor venues may allow up to 100 people within their usable space calculated using the Social Distancing Space Calculator, excluding staff, per room with a minimum of 6 feet of distance between individuals or non-household contacts.
c. Venue size is determined based on usable space per room or designated activity. An indoor event or outdoor designated activity that includes spectators may include both the activity space and the spectator space, or these spaces may be separated and the venue must apply the appropriate capacity limits to the size of each designated space. If participants in the designated activity may also at times move into the spectator space, those participants will count for purposes of the capacity limit for the spectator space if that space is separately defined from the designated activity space.
d. Designated activities must occur a minimum of 50 feet from each other, maintain separate entrances and exits, and must minimize the use of shared facilities like restrooms.
Specific to Funeral Homes and Cemeteries:
K. Life rites, such as wedding ceremonies, graduation ceremonies and funerals, and other religious rites are authorized at 50% capacity not to exceed 50 people indoors, with strict compliance with Social Distancing Requirements for employees and any attendees of services.
Effective June 18, 2020, extra large venues hosting life rites may operate up to 100 people indoors within their usable space calculated using the Social Distancing Space Calculator.
For outdoor rites, individuals must maintain 6 feet distance between non-household members and work with the appropriate local authority to obtain approval for the maximum number of individuals who may attend in the designated outdoor space. Only the ceremony or rite itself is included in this authorization, receptions or parties associated with life rites are not included in this authorization. Life rites should follow the guidance for houses of worship found here.
Social receptions or parties associated with funeral homes or venues for wedding ceremonies still must follow mass gathering limitations.